I’ve been writing about music professionally since 2000, starting with Sonicnet, a short-lived Internet site that apparently paid too well to survive. I’ve written reviews and feature articles for the national magazine Offbeat, which focuses on the music of Louisiana; for two alternative weeklies in Albuquerque, the now-defunct (not my fault) Crosswinds and Weekly Alibi. Since 2004, in Albuquerque The Magazine, I have authored a monthly column that focuses on the lively local music scene here, trying to push one of the city’s best-kept secrets out into the open.
In the course of my work, I’ve had the honor of interviewing and writing about many well-respected musicians, including Sonny Rollins, Wynton Marsalis, Luciana Souza, Chris Smither, Rahim Al Haj, Tom McDermott, Evan Christopher, Omar Sosa, Gonzalo Rubalcaba, Tommy Emmanuel, Cedric Watson, Bill Frisell, Benjamin Herman, Myra Melford, Tim Berne, Maria de Barros, Christopher Bleckinsop (17 Hippies), Zakir Hussein, Amjad Ali Khan, and Eric Vloeimans, to drop a few names.
My credentials are simple: I’m an avid listener with a passion for music that moves me, a regard for those who create it, and a curiosity about how they do it.
My original masthead (shown below) was designed by JB Bryan—poet, painter, designer, publisher—who, with preternatural patience, provided much-needed assistance in getting this site up. (That’s a Coltrane riff, by the way, in the composer’s hand.)
Pianist and website designer Jim Ahrend pointed out a small technical problem that had been preventing me from getting the site up and running—namely, me—and offered a simple resolution.
In the late summer of 2019, I decided to refresh the masthead and was able to enlist the design skills of my talented artist friend Riha Rothberg. She, in turn, called on our friend Jay Harrison, creative director at DesignConcept, who then pulled Jim Fanzone, his business partner and DesignConcept art director, into the project. They came up with a great new logo and logotype, which now graces the pages of this website and all related materials. I cannot thank them enough for their work.
Finally, I’d like to thank all the people who believed in this project before I did, and encouraged me to pursue it.

Hi Mel! I’m Jacob, assistant to GRAMMYs “Next” Class of 2023, Spotify’s “Best Jazz of 2020-22” artist Mike Casey. I’d love to share his upcoming 9th album for review consideration. Is there a good email to reach you at?
Melvin E Minter
This is Dave Hanna. If you graduated from St. Paul’s School, Brooklandville, md you are my classmate.
Please contact me. Not trying to sell anything.
Hi Mel – Was just introduced to your column. Any chance I can send our CD’s to you? Not sure how to contact you but you can always contact me at http://www.TinaPhillipsJazz.com That goes directly to the email also. I was there many years ago at Cathy McGill’s Women in Jazz at the art Museum. Thank you for your support of the music.
Hi, Tina. Thanks for reaching out. I’ll get back to you via email.
Hi Mel,
Thanks for your great coverage of the local scene and beyond. It’s been fun to see my friends profiled in ABQ Magazine. I’d love to introduce you to my band, Radio Free ABQ, and tell you about our upcoming record. When you have a moment, can you please email me? I look forward to hear from you. Thanks!
Dear Mel, I hope this finds you well! I would love to connect with you via email about my recent release (album + art book), Irrefragible Laws. Thank you for supporting independent artists, and have a lovely weekend.
Maria Alejandra Quintanilla
Hey there Mel,
I’m a composer and publicist based in Toronto and it seems like there’s a pretty significant overlap between your musical interests and those of many of my clients. I was wondering whether you’d be able to drop me a line and let me know the best way to get in touch with you to share relevant forthcoming releases. Feel free to drop a me line at my email address so we can be in touch.
Many thanks for your consideration and all the best!
Nick Storring
Founder & Publicist — Riparian Media
Hi, Nick. I’ll connect with you via email.
Hi there, I ran across your interview with Chuy and Ortiz recently because they’re coming to the Albuquerque Folk Festival in October. That was a very lovely article, I appreciate good writing especially about music, and I have worked at it for 30 plus years promoting my festival in Missouri. One newspaper writer, Aarik Danielson with the Columbia Tribune always seemd to get what we were doing, and I think he wrote about it better than I did. If you would be interested in writing about the ABQ Folk Festival I would gladly send you a list of the performers, which includes Dirk Powell and Cedric Watson and Charm City Junction. You would be able to see the list at our festival website very soon, abqfolkfest.org
Hi, Dave— Just saw your comment and will get back to you via email. Best— Mel
Hey Mel,
Just wanted to message you about my bands first EP, Tentative Title by Fundamental. It would mean the world to us if you can check it out, especially as ABQ locals big into the underground scene here. Below is a Bandcamp link to the EP. If you need any other info, our email is the best way to contact us and it is checked frequently!
Thank you,
Chris from Fundamental
Bandcamp: https://fundamentalband.bandcamp.com/album/tentative-title
Thanks for reaching out. I’ll give it a listen.
Hi Mel! I just found your blog.
Krisitna Jacbsen recommended I reach out to you. Is there an email where I can send you info on my new release and my press kit. In the meantime, here’s a link to my Bandcamp page- https://anniebenjamin.bandcamp.com/
Thanks for ALL you do to help us music peeps out!
That Kristina is nothing but trouble. I’ll get back to you via email. Best.
Is it you (and Grunwald) that I went to see Yellow Submarine with in Annapolis some years ago?
Yes, indeed, John. Will respond via email.
Hey Mel,
Just found your blog via Aaron Parks review, let me know if there is an email address that we can get in touch, there is some stuff that we at Jazzfuel would love for you to check.
I’ll get back to you via email shortly.
Hello Mel,
I greatly appreciate all the close listening you do to music and all you do to share with us the insights you gain.
I’m unsure if you review singles, but I’m hoping you’ll enjoy this single, rooted in the yearly South Valley celebration of San Ysidro, coming up May 15. Here it is, streaming: https://raquelzrivera.bandcamp.com/releases
I’ll be glad to send it in any other format you prefer.
We haven’t yet begun promoting it, but reaching out to you is one of my first steps in starting to do so.
Best wishes,
Thank you for your appreciation. It is much appreciated. I do very occasionally review singles, and having seen you at the Quisqueya concert and enjoyed the joy with which you sang, I will make every effort to give this a listen. Unfortunately, I am not able to promise a review. Vamos a ver.
Hey Mel! I have some music I’d love to run by you if possible. Might we connect by email? Thanks! 🙂
Dear Mel,
Was hoping you’d consider reviewing the newly released album Paraphrase (March 2022), by Michael Eaton and Nicki Adams (SteepleChase) on Musically Speaking.
You can stream the album at your preferred streaming service here: https://linktr.ee/nickiadams
If you’d like a CD we’d be happy to send one – let us know!
Thanks for supporting independent artists!
Thanks for reaching out, Nicki. I’ll do my best to give it a listen. Best wishes— M
Thanks Mel, appreciate your consideration!
Andy Roguish at High Fidelity Mastering in Albuquerque gave us your information for a possible new music review. We were recently finalists for the New Mexico Music awards in 2 catagories winning in the best mastering engineer catagory
Could we send you a link to our Bandcamp for your consideration?
Thanks for reaching out. I’ve responded by email.
Hello Mel!
This is Marion Carrillo from Doctor Kristina Jacobsen’s class. I wanted to reach out to see if I could ask you about music reviews and how a young artist like myself start being reviewed.
Thank you for your time!
Hey, Marion— I’ll be happy to speak with you, and I’ll get back to you offline.
Re: New release – Marvin Stamm/Mike Holober Quartet, Live at Maureen’s Jazz Cellar
Dear Mel,
Thank you for your thoughtful reviews my CDs “Balancing Act,” and of my most recent recording, the GRAMMY© nominated “Hiding Out.” I am writing to let you know that Marvin Stamm and I are self-releasing a live recording of our working quartet with bassist Mike McGuirk and drummer Dennis Mackrel. We feel fortunate to have finished this project before everyone went into isolation and therefore to have some current and fresh music to share at this time. The music, recorded live at Maureen’s Jazz Cellar, was performed on the evening of December 20, 2019, and the results were as heard by the audience “in the moment.” I would like to send you a one-sheet with the artwork, liner notes and other information, as well as links enabling you to stream the music from SoundCloud or download the tracks from Dropbox. Could you advise me on an email where I can attach this? Or if you prefer, it would be my pleasure to send you a CD. Please give me your address, and I will do so ASAP.
This project was a labor of love by the four of us, all of whom have deep roots in this music. On behalf of Marvin and myself, we hope you will enjoy hearing it as much as we enjoyed performing it, and will consider it for review.
Stay safe and be well.
Mike Holober
2020 GRAMMY© nominee, Best Large Jazz Ensemble Album
Hi, Mike. I’ll get back to you via email.
Hi Mel,
My Toronto-based, modern jazz quartet, The Sophia Smith Quartet, recently released our debut album, Elevation.
I would love to send you a copy of the recording for a possible review. What would be the best way to send it to you?
Thank you!
Sophia Smith
I will get back to you offline.
Thanks for reaching out.
Hi Mel,
I have a new record (Modern Jazz, original compositions) coming out in May 2020 and would like to send you the recordings. Could you send me your mail adress?
Hi, Nina— I’ll get that to you via email. Thanks.
Dear Mel,
my name is Tobias Hoffmann. I am a saxophone player, composer and arranger living in Vienna, Austria. I would like to send you my latest record of my nonet.
Could you please send me your email address so I can send you the music.
If you want you can check out the video of the title track the record.
Best, Tobias
I have emailed you the address, Tobias. Thanks for reaching out.
Hi Mel, this is Andrea from Colombia, I’d like to send you music from my jazz Octet! Experimental jazz with some shades of colombian folclore!
You can check it out in this link over here:
Hi, Andrea. Thanks for reaching out. I don’t do Spotify, but I will contact you via email to provide another way to get me the music.
Hi Mel,
I’d love to send you my new record and see if you’d like to listen to it. Could you send me your email address?
I’ve sent you an email with the address. Thanks.
Hi, Mel.
Would it be possible to have your e-mail address? Would love to send you some info about a great choral music group (the first professional to be made up solely of New Mexicans) – Polyphony: Voices of New New Mexico.
I will send you an email with the address. Thanks.
Hi Mel, I’d love to send you some info about an upcoming release. Can you send me your email address? Thanks! Nick
Will do.
i am a jazz alto saxophonist who studied with Connie Crothers for more than 20 years and was the saxophonist in her band for decades. How would i submit cd’s for your consideration? please reply at
Hi, Richard. I’ll get back to you on that via email. Thanks.
Hi Mel, great review! I was wondering if you had an email address you could contact me on?
Thanks for your comment. I’ll get back to you shortly.
Hello Mel,
Since I discovered your blog I’ve discovering some new-to-me original music bands. Thanks.
My band Alchemie will be performing next Saturday, February 27th at the Albuquerque Museum, starting at 2pm. We are a two piece that at times sounds like a 5 piece band. Most of our material is ORIGINAL.
We’d love for you to come to the concert and review the band. If I had your email I’d be able to send you a link to our audio and an events calendar.
I’ll be featured in the March issue of Albuquerque The Magazine, “Adam Tries It” column.
Bright Moments,
Robert Danielson of Alchemie
Hi Mel,
Since I wrote to you last February about our ABQ Museum concert Alchemie has gained a lot of traction in Albuquerque. Our initial show was at a ritzy Italian restaurant on Central Ave. last October. 9 months later we perform at the Sunport Airport, Hyatt Regency Tamaya, Hotel Andaluz, Oniell’s,….. venues large and small. Here’s my point. Alchemie’s music is nearly all originals yet were working with venues that typically hire only cover bands. We are a two piece band, Keyboard, Drums, and both of us sing. We take a symphonic approach to composing and performing. That can mean many things but one important approach is “just because you’re on stage, sitting at your instrument, doesn’t mean you should be playing it. What does the song require?” I invite you to come listen to a pop/rock band, run by two classical music enthusiasts.
Bright moments,
Robert Danielson
Hi, Robert— I can understand that you might think I’ve forgotten you, but I haven’t. You are definitely on my radar. You might want to add me to your email list if you have one so that I can stay up-to-date on your appearances. I’ll send you my address offline. Thanks.
Hi Mel,
I have organized a major event, a three-day residency of Mexican composer Federico Ibarra, with two concerts of his music. 3/3 – 3/5/16
This is great news, Fred. I will get the word out even if I cannot do a piece on it. Best to you and Federico.
Hey Mel,
I have a new album coming out next month with a fun CD release party at the Outpost on Oct. 24th.
Would love to get you a copy and some info for review consideration.
Please let me know the best way to get that to you.
Cali Shaw
Hey, Cali— I’ll get back to you offline shortly. Thanks for reaching out. —Mel
hi Mel ! my compliments for your wonderful site ; you give musicians another audience by writing articles and reviews .. that is huge. My name is Anne Vanschothorst, i am a harpist/composer from the netherlands. recently i have published a new CD and i was wondering if it would be possible to have my it reviewed by Musically Speaking. I hope to hear from you. All the best .. with music &love – Anne
Hi, Anne– Thanks for your kind words. I’d love to hear your CD. I can’t promise that I will review it, but I do promise to listen. I’ll respond offline with contact info. Best– M
Dear Mel,
Thanks for all your articles here and in ABQ The Mag. I appreciate your work.
I want to let you know about a show that Baracutanga is putting on with Pandemonium and the Odara Dance ensemble for Brazilian Independence Day at the Sister Bar, September 5. If you are interested, I will send more information.
Hey, Nick– Thanks for the appreciation. I am interested, and I will contact you offline. –Mel
Stunning post
Hi Mel, Here is a link to the honeyhouse VPK, you are such a great part of the video. Thank you!
No, thank you, Rhoda. Rhoda and Lesley at Rolling R Productions produced a wonderful video press kit on hONEyhoUSe that anyone who has never seen the band live is well advised to check out. It was an honor to be asked to take part in the project, and I hope that both the band and Rolling R reap a bountiful reward for their work. You can reach Rolling R Productions at 505-268-8341 and toll-free at 877-255-3270, or at http://www.rollingrproductions.com.
Sorry, folks. They took the link down.
Hi Mel, et al,
I am soon to release my 6th CD and am writing to inquire about a review. Might that be a possibility at Musically Speaking? Thanks for all you do to support indie music!
Todd Tijerina 505/610-7025
Hey, Todd– I’ll get back to you offline.
Thanks for your interest– Mel
My friend Chewie told me about you. I would like to talk to you about some upcoming music events at the Zoo and the Botanic Gardens. Thanks!
Hi, MaryAnn– I’ll email you directly with my phone number. –M
Hi Mel,
Melissa gave me your website address several months ago when I was in her office (with my mom, Phyllis Hamilton). My new cd, Zamar, is finally finished–the actual cd’s are scheduled to arrive tomorrow from Diskmakers. But, I have most of the songs from Zamar uploaded on my website (www.reverbnation.com/barbhamiltonmaxey) and for sale on CDBaby. So, if you would like to take a listen, that would be great. Phil Keaggy, guest artist, is on Day by Day. Through the last 24 bars of the song, we trade guitar solo’s–which was really fun! 🙂
Thank you for listening! Hope you like it!
Barb Hamilton Maxey
Hi Mel: An event I would like you to check out, I’m putting on in Budaghers, Oct. 19th. . A celebration of New Music/Electronic/Experimental/Spoken Word….and the new streaming music channel “Earwaves” on http://www.somafm.com/earwaves from San Francisco. Long-time New Mexico radio host of the original program on KUNM and KSFR in the 70s, 80s and 90s. Any reviews for local publications are encouraged! Great blog! Thanks.
Press Release:
“Earwaves on SomaFM – Grand Opening Event” in Budaghers, NM at Lumenscape Studios
Where: 601 Frontage Rd. Budaghers, NM. (former New Mexico Outlet Center)
Saturday, October 19th, 2013
4 p.m. – 2 a.m.
For interviews: please contact: 415-889-0035 (Dwight@DwightLoop.com) or rusty@somafm.com for Rusty Hodge at SomaFM.
Celebrating the opening on http://www.SomaFM.com of one of New Mexico’s most innovative radio programs in history to an international audience, the “Earwaves” radio program with host Dwight Loop – will be an evening of experimental, electronic and new music artists, video art and sound installations from New Mexico artists and beyond.
Presented by Lumenscape Studios and Rubicon Arts, “Earwaves on SomaFM” will present artists from the New Mexico area, many of whom appeared on the original “Earwaves” radio program!
The new “Earwaves” streaming channel appears with 20-plus other SomaFM mobile apps as well as streaming live at http://www.SomaFM.com from its San Francisco, CA home. Other channels on SomaFM include the very popular “Drone Zone,” and “Groove Salad,” two of the most listened to streaming channels on the Net. SomaFM, founded by noted public radio music programmer Rusty Hodge, is a listener-funded, non-commercial streaming music network based in San Francisco. All SomaFM channels are available on iTunes and other Internet streaming portals.
“Earwaves” originated on KUNM-FM in Albuquerque, running from 1979-1986. Then, moving on to KSFR-FM in Santa Fe from 1990-1995. “Earwaves” on SomaFM will feature a historical presentation of new and experimental music dating from the early pioneers to present innovators. Categories of music art covered include: electronic, electro-acoustic, 20th and 21st Century classical music, new music, performance art, spoken word, progressive art-rock and other mutant art-music forms.
Dwight also was founder of New Music New Mexico, Inc. from 1980-1996
Artists are still being added (more to come):
Martian Funk Ensemble (Albuquerque)
Rampant Egos (Arnold Bodmer, Justin Parker, Dwight Loop)
SpaceBrane (California)
Tom McVeety (Albuquerque)
Michael Kott and CelloCosmos (Santa Fe)
Dwight Loop (Santa Fe)
Larry Goodell (Albuquerque)
Mark Weaver (Albuquerque)
Installation Artists: in the Dome Room: David Dunn (Santa Fe)
Video Art by Santa Fe’s Steina & Woody Visulka
Lynn Augstein “Helios” (light art projections)
Three rooms: Dome Room, Main Stage, and Theater Stage
Tickets: $10 advance at Hold My Ticket
Door: $15
Thanks for the info, Dwight. I saw Justin last week—I think it was at the Brian Haas concert at The Roost. He told me you were back in the area, and it’s good to know you’re active. I’ll get back to you on this. Keep well.
Hi Mel:
I very much enjoy your site, and share your passion for music that moves me. As the Program Director of Santa Fe Bandstand, I just wanted to make contact regarding our nine-week summer music series from Santa Fe’s historic downtown Plaza. We’ve worked hard to assemble a diverse lineup this year. Just want to be sure you knew about us. More info at http://www.santafebandstand.org.
Keep up the good work!
Thanks, Michael. I’m not familiar with the program per se, but I will be now.
Dear Mel,
My name is Diana Danailova and I’m the artist representative of Bulgarian impressionistic/chamber modern jazz guitarist/composer Hristo Vitchev.
Referred by the media as one of the newest and most innovative voices in jazz guitar, Hristo’s music has been captivating audiences all across the globe. At only age 31 he has already released 4 critically acclaimed albums as a leader plus two more releases as a co-leader. As JazzTimes magazine describes his music: “Vitchev’s sophisticated and adventurous work is imbued with shimmering harmonies and lyrical improvisations.”
“Vitchev’s multihued compositions are like impressionistic sound paintings.” – JAZZIZ
Digital Jazz News says: “Hristo Vitchev may be one of the best kept secrets in jazz today. He is the epitome of sonic gold.”
We just released Hristo’s 5th record as a leader – “Familiar Fields” and I wanted to see if you will have the interest to receive a copy of the record for review.
Hristo Vitchev has toured nationally and internationally and has performed in some of the best jazz clubs and festivals in the world. Including Yoshi’s Jazz Club (Oakland, CA), Catalina Jazz Club (Hollywood, CA), Bach and Dynamite (Half Moon Bay, CA), Kuumbwa Jazz Center (Santa Cruz, CA), Ivories Jazz Club (Portland, OR), SOhO Jazz Club (Santa Barbara, CA), AT&T San Jose Jazz Festival, Okazaki Jazz Festival (JAPAN), and the prestigious MONTEREY JAZZ FESTIVAL to name a few. He has also done extensive touring of Japan and Europe.
To read press reviews and to keep up to date with the latest news about the record please visit the Media & Press page at my official website at: http://www.hristovitchev.com
From the entire team at FOS Music we thank you for your time and attention and look forward to hearing back from you.
Diana Danailova
(Artist Representative – FOSM)
First Orbit Sounds Music
Hi, Diana– Nice to hear from you. I’ll contact you offline, but I thought readers on the website might be interested in your news, so I’ve posted your comment.
Hello, Mel,
I enjoyed your review of Honeyhouse.
I had a bit of a puzzle figuring out your name as it’s only mentioned at the bottom of your stories?
thanks for a thoughtful review,
Hi back, Christina. Thanks for your message. I’m glad you enjoyed the piece. Since my name can be found on the About page and in the URL and since I’m the only one writing on this site, I don’t bother putting my name at the top of every story. Maybe I should, just to be clear. Again, thanks for your comment.
Well, Christina, I see my name wasn’t on the About page, but it is now. Thanks.