Author Archives: Mel Minter

New Releases: Jazz in Three Flavors from Melford, Sosa, and Jackson

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A few more quick takes on recent releases. Here are three—from Myra Melford’s Snowy Egret quintet, Omar Sosa and Yilian Cañizares, and Javon Jackson—that live in completely different musical universes.

I’ll be guesting on Patti Littlefield’s jazz show on KUNM on Wednesday, November 21, from noon to 1:30 p.m. MT. We’ll be playing a selection from each of these albums and several others. Tune in at 89.9 FM or stream at Continue reading

Drummer Jefferson Voorhees Explores Tonality and Rhythm in Solo Show

For close to 30 years, drummer Jefferson Voorhees has built a reputation as an earnest, reliably quirky, and much appreciated fixture on Albuquerque’s music scene. His list of credits runs the gamut from world music (with Wagogo and others) to avant-garde jazz (with TG3 and others) to several unclassifiable varieties of miscegenational music (with Pray for Brain, The Dogbone Trio, and others). He is as much at home onstage playing the most unconventional music you might ever encounter, as he is playing standards in nursing homes and senior centers with Red Roosters, or any number of danceable genres with Jasper. Along the way, he has studied West African and East Indian drumming, played with world beat pioneers such as O.J. Ekemode and the Nigerian Allstars, and is currently collaborating with the trio Engine. This coming Thursday at the Outpost, he will draw from his vast storehouse of rhythm to present a solo concert—just him and his idiosyncratic drum kit—on a bill with the Glass Key Trio. Continue reading

Aaron Parks, Quartette Oblique, and Ben Wendel Dazzle with New Releases

A flood of recent releases is clogging up my in-box. Here are a few quick takes to get things moving again. Continue reading